When settlement problems appear, we can insert ERKA-Piles segment by segment into the ground underneath the foundations. With vertical misalignment the piles ultimately form a thrust support for hydraulic lifting cylinders. Depending on job specification, the building structure is then pushed into the horizontal with these cylinders, either manually or computer controlled.
The ERKA-Pile works on a press-driven (jacking down) piling system
In front of the foundation, an approximately 1.2 m × 1.2 m installation pit is dug and below the foundation an opening is made approx. 0.8 m × 1.0 m at foundation width. The pile is inserted by press-driving (jacking-down) 50 cm long (mostly) single segments into the ground, stroke by stroke, until the predetermined pile resistance is reached. During the process, a protocol is generated for each pile.
Each of these segment piles has a tongue and groove system with which any length of pile necessary can be achieved. This “jacking-down” process is often the only vibrationless and nose-free option for inserting piles into the building ground. That’s why press-driven piles are predominantly used in the foundation relaying of retention-worthy and settlement sensitive buildings.